Big List of Birds

Over the 10+ years I've been visiting or living at Waikawa Beach I've come to realise we have a lot of birds around here. We have several environments: rural, urban (village), coast, lake, wetland, exotic forest. 

I'm no bird expert, but as I've noticed or taken photos of various birds I've researched what I've seen and drawn conclusions I hope are accurate. If you know your birds please do contribute your expertise.

This list aims to include all Waikawa Beach birds. I've seen all these birds myself, with a couple of exceptions: I've only heard the Pīpīwharauroa | Shining Cuckoo and the Korimako | Bellbird. John Hewitson found and rescued a live Kororā | Little Penguin on the beach one day, while I've only seen dead penguins on our beach.

My list is only of live birds — I've seen others washed ashore dead. Note: I plan to link from this list to at least one post about each bird on this site. 

How many birds from the list have you seen?  

Update: folks on the Waikawa Beach Facebook Group added two birds: Morepork often heard about half way along Waikawa Beach Road, and a Black Shag (or perhaps Little Black Shag) seen hanging out with the Pied Shags near the footbridge. They’ve been added to the list below. 

Big list of birds at Waikawa Beach  

  1. Australasian Bittern: Matuku-hūrepo | Australasian Bittern and The Strathnaver Bittern
  2. Australian Coot: Australian coot with chicks
  3. Makipai | Australian Magpie: Makipai | Australian Magpie
  4. Kuruwhengi | Australian Shoveler: Kuruwhengi | Australasian Shoveler
  5. Pohowera | Banded Dotterel: Little dots: the Dotterels
  6. Kuaka | Bar-tailed Godwit: Kuaka | Godwit and Kuaka | Godwits.
  7. Barbary Dove: Barbary Dove
  8. Black-fronted Tern | Tarapirohe: Tarapirohe | Black-fronted tern
  9. Kakīānau | Black Swan: Kakīānau | Black Swan and Black Swans and their cygnets
  10. Kororo | Black-backed Gull: Kororo | Black-Backed Gull
  11. Tarāpuka | Black-billed gull: Tarāpuka | Black-billed gull
  12. Black-fronted Dotterel: A new bird joins the estuary crew: a Black-fronted Dotterel (first noticed in November 2023)
  13. Manu Pango | Blackbird: Manu Pango | Blackbird
  14. Tikaokao | California Quail: California Quail
  15. Kuihi | Canada Goose: Kuihi | Canada Goose
  16. Taranui | Caspian Tern: Taranui | Caspian terns
  17. Pahirini | Chaffinch: Pahirini | Chaffinch
  18. Kākā uhi whero | Eastern Rosella: Kākā uhi whero | Eastern Rosella
  19. Tītī wainui | Fairy prion: Tītī wainui | Fairy prion
  20. Glossy Ibis: Glossy Ibis: an unusual visitor (seen in November 2023)
  21. Kōurarini | Goldfinch: Kōurarini | Goldfinch
  22. Greenfinch: Greenfinch and Birds from the balcony
  23. Pārera | Grey Duck: Pārera | Grey duck
  24. Riroriro | Grey Warbler: Riroriro | Grey Warbler
  25. Kuihi | Greylag Goose: Kuihi | Greylag Goose
  26. Kererū: Kererū at the beach (spotted for the first time in August 2022)
  27. Kōtare | Kingfisher: Kōtare | Kingfisher
  28. Tūī | Kōkō: Tūī | Kōkō
  29. Kawau Tūī | Little Black Shag: Kawau Tūī | Little Black Shag and Little Black Shag and Pied Shag
  30. Kawaupaka | Little Shag: A third kind of shag at Waikawa Beach: the Kawaupaka, added 25 May 2024.
  31. Kororā | Little Penguin: Kororā | Little Blue Penguin
  32. Rakiraki | Mallard Duck: Rakiraki | Mallard
  33. Pīwakawaka | New Zealand fantail | Tīrairaka: Tīrairaka | New Zealand fantail
  34. Weweia | NZ Dabchick: Weweia | Dabchick and chick
  35. Tūturiwhatu | NZ Dotterel: Little dots: the Dotterels
  36. Pāpango | NZ Scaup: Pāpango | NZ Scaup
  37. Kawau | Pied Shag: Kawau | Pied Shag at the beach
  38. Poaka | Pied Stilt: Poaka | Pied Stilt
  39. Pukeko: Pukeko at Lake Puna-O-Te-Ora
  40. Rainbow Lorikeet: Rainbow Lorikeet
  41. Tarāpunga | Red-Billed Gull: Tarāpunga | Red-Billed Gull and Tarapunga | Red-billed gull — photos
  42. Peihana | Ring-Necked Pheasant: Peihana | Ring-Necked Pheasant
  43. Kererū aropari | Rock Pigeon: Kererū aropari | Rock Pigeon
  44. Kōtuku Ngutupapa | Royal Spoonbill: Kōtuku Ngutupapa | Royal Spoonbill and Flock of Spoonbills
  45. Ruddy Turnstone: Ruddy Turnstone (seen for the first time in December 2022)
  46. Pīpīwharauroa | Shining cuckoo: Pīpīwharauroa | Shining cuckoo heard at Waikawa Beach, November 2022 (heard but not seen by me for the first time in November 2022 — post includes a photo by a local)
  47. Kaireka | Skylark: Kaireka | Skylark
  48. Manu-kai-hua-rakau | Song Thrush: Manu-kai-hua-rakau | Song Thrush
  49. Tōrea | South Island Pied Oystercatcher: Tōrea | South Island Pied Oystercatcher
  50. Sparrow: Tiu | House Sparrow
  51. Spur-winged Plover: Spur-winged Plover
  52. Starling: Tāringi | Common starling
  53. Kāhu | Swamp Harrier Hawk: Kāhu | Swamp Harrier Hawk
  54. Tōrea Pango | Variable Oystercatcher: Tōrea Pango | Variable Oystercatcher
  55. Tauhou | Waxeye: Tauhou | Waxeye
  56. Warou | Welcome Swallow: Warou | Welcome Swallow and Warou | Welcome Swallow poses
  57. Kōtuku | White Heron: Kōtuku | White Heron and A spectacular rare visitor
  58. Matuku Moana | White-Faced Heron: Matuku Moana | White-Faced Heron
  59. Tara | White-fronted Tern: Tara | White-fronted tern
  60. Ngutuparore | Wrybill: Ngutuparore | Wrybill and Ngutuparore | Wrybill spotted 06 March 2023
  61. Hurukōwhai | Yellowhammer: Hurukōwhai | Yellowhammer
  62. Bellbird (heard only)
  63. Ruru | Morepork (heard only — in Strathnaver Coastal Natural Character area and also half way along Waikawa Beach Road)
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