Pukeko at Lake Puna-O-Te-Ora

Large bird with vibrant blue body, black wings and red frontal shield standing on grass.

I haven’t spotted any Pukeko at the Reay Mackay Grove lakes recently so was glad to see a couple at sunrise today.

Striking large blue bird with red beak, walking on grass.

Length: 38 - 50 cm; Weight: 1090 g (male); 880 g (female)

Similar species: South Island takahe |Takahē, Dusky moorhen, Black-tailed native-hen

A large relatively compact rail with deep blue-violet head, breast and throat, black back and wings, white under-tail coverts, red eyes and orange legs and feet with long slim toes. The distinctive bright red conical bill is connected to a similarly coloured ‘frontal shield’ ornament covering the forehead.

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