Makipai | Australian Magpie

Magpie on a flax  spear.

Such a common bird, the Makipai | Australian Magpie:

Length: 41 cm; Weight: 350 g

Similar species: Magpie-lark

A large black-and-white songbird in which the adult male has a white hind-neck, rump and shoulder patches, upper tail and under-tail coverts. The female is similar, but the mantle may be grey, and the black parts of the plumage are less iridescent; both sexes have a blue-grey bill with a dark tip, and red eyes.

Many of the attacks by magpies against larger birds are directed towards harriers, and generally cease when the target leaves the territory. This harassment of harriers may even have a protective effect on other species breeding in a magpie’s territory.

Magpie on a piece of wood.
Magpie at the beach flies away.
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