Kororā | Little Blue Penguin

Penguin on the beach.
Penguin on the beach.

In April 2021 John Hewitson, Chair of the Waikawa Beach Ratepayers Association, was walking along the beach north of the river when he spotted a suspicious looking black lump on the sand. A closer look revealed a penguin totally entangled in black fishing net, unable to swim or feed.

Kororā | Little penguin:

Length: 33 cm; Weight: 1 kg

Similar species: Fiordland crested penguin | Tawaki

A small, stocky, dark blue and white penguin with a long, robust, dark hooked bill, blue-grey eyes, relatively short flipper-like wings, and pinkish-white legs and feet.

Little penguins are widely distributed along the coastlines of the North, South, Stewart and Chatham Islands and their offshore islands.

Penguin totally tangled in fishing net.
Penguin totally tangled in fishing net.

John freed the bird and contacted DoC’s hotline at 0800 362 468. He took the bird home and cared for it overnight (a warm secure bed in a box and a bowl of water).

Today the penguin is on its way to professional care at The Nest at Wellington Zoo.

Thanks John for spotting this bird in trouble and for rescuing it. And for the photos.

For folks out there who fish: please don’t let nets get away from you.

Update: here’s a much happier looking penguin!

Perky penguin in a box.
Perky penguin in a box.

This item was first published at the WBRA site and has been updated and modified here.

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