Taranui | Caspian terns

Taranui Caspian terns on a low tide beach at dawn.

Down by the Waiorongomai Stream mouth at dawn on 06 March 2022 were a couple of Taranui | Caspian terns:

A very large heavily built tern, silver-grey above and white below, with dark wing tips, a large pointed bright red bill with dark tip, a relatively short slightly forked tail.
Length: 50 cm; Weight: 700 g.
There is little evidence of Caspian terns in coastal deposits of subfossil bones in New Zealand, indicating that they may have colonised recently or had a very restricted distribution here until the early 20th century. Although widespread now, Caspian terns remain uncommon in New Zealand, with around 1300–1400 breeding pairs estimated.

Taranui Caspian tern in flight.
Taranui Caspian tern in flight.
Two Taranui Caspian terns in flight.
Solitary Taranui Caspian tern on a low tide beach at dawn.
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