Pārera | Grey duck

Mallard ducks on left and grey duck on the right.
Mallard ducks on left and grey duck on the right.

When you look closely at the Strathnaver lakes, Waimarie and Te Puna a te Ora, you discover that not all the birds splashing around there are Mallards. A close look at some of my photos revealed Pārera | Grey duck (maybe hybrid) as well:

Length: 50 - 60 cm; Weight: 900 - 1200 g

Similar species: Mallard | Rakiraki

A large darkish brown duck with a grey bill, khaki legs, dark brown eyes, and pale buff-edged body feathers. The face is a warm buff colour with two well-defined black stripes and the upper wing is brown with an iridescent green speculum with a trailing narrow white band.

Mallard ducks in front and grey duck behind.
Mallard ducks in front and grey duck behind.

The New Zealand grey duck population is believed to be extensively hybridised with introduced mallards to such an extent that few pure grey ducks may now exist, hence its “critical” conservation status.

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