Tītī wainui | Fairy prion

Small bird with blue-grey wings, white chest, chunk blue bill, sitting on the sand.

This bird was found in distress on the beach in May 2018. a Tītī wainui | Fairy prion:

Length: 25 cm; Weight: 120 g

Similar species: Fulmar prion

A small prion, blue-grey above and white below, with a blackish ‘M’ across the back from wingtip to wingtip, a black tip to the upper tail, and blue bill, legs and feet. In the hand, it has a relatively chunky bill lacking comb-like lamellae along the margins of the upper mandible, and a broader black tip to the upper tail and more ill-defined facial markings than the other prion species.

Fairy prions, along with other prion species, are often found storm-wrecked on beaches exposed to the open ocean, especially on the west coast of both main islands.

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