Adults of this almost sparrow-sized but lighter bird have a bright red, white and black face. It’s a pale coloured bird with a distinctive bright yellow stripe on its black wing. They’re often seen in flocks. If you hear a shrill, clear pee-yu, that’s this bird. He aha tērā? What is that?
Answer: it’s a Kōurarini | Goldfinch:
Identification: Length: 12 cm; Weight: 15 g
Similar species: European greenfinch
A small songbird with bright yellow wingbars, black wings and tail, a buff-brown back, and pale legs and conical bill, in which adults have bright red, white and black facial feathering, and juveniles are drab brown on the head. Often seen in flocks, goldfinches have a bouncy undulating flight accompanied by frequent liquid, tinkly calling.