This is one bird that surely everyone know — Tiu | House sparrow:
Length: 15 cm; Weight: 28 g
Similar species: Dunnock, Chaffinch | Pahirini, European greenfinch
A small songbird species in which breeding adult males have chestnut-brown, white and grey plumage with a distinctive black bib, grey underparts, variegated brown and white backs and wings, a robust black conical bill, dark brown eyes and dull pink legs. Females and juveniles lack the bib, are greyer with lighter brown dorsal plumage than adult males, and a have a pinkish-brown bill.

Males are smart chestnut-brown, white-and-grey with a distinctive black “bib”; they are difficult to confuse with any other species. Females and young lack the bib and are greyer, with lighter brown dorsal plumage than the male. Their underparts are plain grey, but their backs and wings are variegated several shades of brown and white. The robust conical bill is black in breeding males, otherwise pale pinkish-brown. The eyes are dark brown and legs dull pink. …
Similar species: females and juveniles can be confused with dunnock, greenfinch or chaffinch. Dunnocks are smaller, with darker, more sombre plumage, and a slender dark bill. They usually stay close to cover, and are never in large flocks. Chaffinches differ in their distinctive double wing-bar and white outer tail. The young of greenfinches are greenish above their shorter tail. In comparison with finches, sparrow flight generally is more direct, almost laboured, and usually low.