I was taking photos at the estuary today of what I thought were Pohowera | Banded dotterel. They didn't look quite right though and on checking I discovered they were actually Black-fronted dotterel. I've never seen them at Waikawa Beach before, as far as I know. They look like a sort of more upmarket Banded Dotterel.
These tiny Native, Naturally Uncommon birds are hard to see and dart about surprisingly fast. They're about the size of a sparrow and blend in to the sand and driftwood with their colouring.
Length: 16 - 18 cm; Weight: 30 - 35 g; Similar species: Banded dotterel | Pohowera, Red-kneed dotterel; A small plover with black-tipped red bill, orange legs, and prominent black bands on the breast and face contrasting the rest of the white and light brown plumage. Young birds have mostly white on the breast with black bands developing with adulthood.
Keep a sharp eye out for them in and near pools of water in the estuary area.