Waikawa News has come to an end — I’ve decided to quit updating the Waikawa News website and to stop publishing the newsletter. When I set up Waikawa News more than two years ago in February / March 2022 it was partly because I’d realised that most things I’ve done in my life have been based on sharing accurate factual information with others. I had also just left a 5-year tenure on the Waikawa Beach Ratepayers Association, during which time I published regular blog posts and newsletters on their behalf — well over 700 of them.
Waikawa News asked Horowhenua District Council for the costs associated with the newly installed bollards and fencing at 3 locations: 10 and 60 Reay Mackay Grove, the beach end of Manga Pirau Street. They replied: Reference Number: 2024/1106 13 June 2024 Tēnā koe Thank you for email of 24 May 2024 requesting under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA), information relating to the cost of fencing at Waikawa Beach.
Anja Geelen and Theo van Schoonhoven with the Awa Pukapuka they made and donated to the community. Photo by Stephen Betts. Hard to believe it's been 3 years since the launch of Awa Pukapuka, the Little Free Library at the corner of Waikawa Beach Road and Drake Street. Anja Geelen and Theo van Schoonhoven created the library from an old Optimist boat they spotted and bought back before the Covid-19 shutdown of 2020.
A rare visitor: a Kōtuku | White heron. Published on 26 May 2024: Waikawa Newsletter May 2024. The monthly newsletter is based on posts I’ve written during the month, with added sprinkles. If you’d like to automatically receive posts by email as they are published subscribe. If you know of Waikawa Beach things that would interest others or if you have comments on this newsletter or the websites please let me know at kiaora@waikawanews.
New recommendations for Councillors. The (unconfirmed) Minutes of the Horowhenua District Council meeting from 20 March 2024 are now available. At that meeting there was an important discussion scheduled about the future of vehicle access at Waikawa Beach. See HDC report on beach access options for vehicles for 20 March 2024 meeting. The discussion at the meeting itself was very confusing — at one point proceedings stopped while officers clarified some points among themselves.
Family fun on the beach. Published on 29 April 2024: Waikawa Newsletter April 2024. The monthly newsletter is based on posts I’ve written during the month, with added sprinkles. If you’d like to automatically receive posts by email as they are published subscribe. If you know of Waikawa Beach things that would interest others or if you have comments on this newsletter or the websites please let me know at kiaora@waikawanews.
Another Horowhenua District Council LGOIMA Response. LGOIMA stands for Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act. In November 2023, in Reference Number: 2023/1017 someone asked about the footbridge at Waikawa Beach, with regard to schedules for replacement within the next three years. The document published online had some lines cut off, but I asked for the full version and received this information: Waikawa Beach Pedestrian Bridge Requested information : Response Location : End of Waikawa Beach Road at Waikawa Beach Material bridge is made out of : Combination of timber and steeel Value of asset : Booking value as of 8 November 2023 is $92,205.
Because of a server error the following posts weren't emailed out: River training costs 2000-2024 were over $54,000, published on: Thursday, 18 April 2024. Vehicles on Horowhenua beaches - complaints, published on: Thursday, 18 April 2024.
Another Horowhenua District Council LGOIMA Response. LGOIMA stands for Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act. In September 2023, in Reference Number: 2023/1006 someone asked about HDC's policies about vehicles on beaches. These were interesting questions (HDC has no policies), but the final response had valuable information: Regardless of whether you have any rules, regulations or bylaws restricting or prohibiting the use of vehicles on beaches in your territory, please provide the number of public concerns or complaints that have been received/reported to you concerning the use of vehicles on beaches in your territory for the past five years (broken down by year please).
It can be instructive to check the Horowhenua District Council LGOIMA Responses page from time to time. LGOIMA stands for Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act. Back in November 2023 a requester asked numerous questions about vehicle access to Waikawa Beach, including several about resource consents. Some responses (PDF, Reference Number: 2023/1018) didn’t really bring any new information, but one question and answer were interesting: “How much has been spent on “river training” to date including the cost of applying for a resource consent to do “river training”?
HDC Long-term Plan consultation closes at 5pm on Monday 15 April 2024. See HDC Long-term Plan consultation closes 15 April 2024 for details. See below for the Horizons Regional Council Long-term Plan consultation which closes at 5pm on 22 April 2024. See also In March 2024 we need to ask for cleaner river water. Horowhenua District Councillors are trying to make very hard decisions to keep our rates increase down to around 17%.
Flock of Pied Stilts rest near the river mouth at Waikawa Beach. Published on Wednesday 20 March 2024: Waikawa Newsletter March 2024. The monthly newsletter is based on posts I’ve written during the month, with added sprinkles. If you’d like to automatically receive posts by email as they are published subscribe. If you know of Waikawa Beach things that would interest others or if you have comments on this newsletter or the websites please let me know at kiaora@waikawanews.
The Horowhenua District Council has released its draft Long Term Plan 2024-2044 for feedback. The Long Term Plan (LTP) sets out the services and projects the Council will provide to the Horowhenua community all the way out to 2044. Council's draft Long Term Plan 2024-44 includes three key topics: 1. What services do we need for our community? 2. How should we manage our waste? 3. Sharing costs - who should pay for what?
If you're one of those residents who received a letter recently about a changed schedule for rubbish collection, this is a reminder. Tomorrow, Friday 15 March 2024, is the first collection day on the new schedule.
As we enter March 2024 Horowhenua District Council is about to release its consultation document on the Long-Term Plan. We already know there is a potential average rates increase of around 17% to come. We need to read the document and send our feedback so Councillors can make informed decisions. I was surprised recently to see the following statement in reference to Waikawa Beach: "the community receives few council services or council attention for their rates when compared to other parts of the region"
This Tarapirohe | Black-fronted Tern resting at Waikawa Beach is a Nationally Endangered bird. Published on Wednesday 27 February 2024: Waikawa Newsletter February 2024. The monthly newsletter is based on posts I’ve written during the month, with added sprinkles. If you’d like to automatically receive posts by email as they are published subscribe. If you know of Waikawa Beach things that would interest others or if you have comments on this newsletter or the websites please let me know at kiaora@waikawanews.
HDC Waikawa Beach Vehicle Access | Let's Kōrero Horowhenua closes at 4pm 20 February 2024. This matter is of intense interest to those ratepayers at Waikawa Beach so please have your say. Note that pedestrian access to the beach will continue whatever Councillors decide. Horowhenua District Council is seeking your feedback on three proposed options for vehicle access at Waikawa Beach. Please provide your feedback by 4pm on Tuesday, 20 February 2024.
Did you know Waikawa News has a Local Businesses and Groups page? Here's the listing as at 15 February 2024: Waikawa Beach Local Groups Wild Cats of Waikawa aims to trap feral cats, neuter those that can be rehomed and then rehome them, mostly elsewhere. The cats are checked to make sure they don’t belong to anyone and their health is assessed too. If you’d like to contact the group email wildcatsofwaikawa@gmail.
Cycle paths, Ō2NL Expressway, Capital Connection … the Horizons Regional Council is involved in many different transport plans and possibilities, now they want to hear from us. Make your submission before 5pm, 11 March 2024. Regional Land Transport Plan 2024 | Have Your Say: Land transport affects everyone in the Horizons Region, so we want to hear what our communities think about our strategic direction and investment areas for the next 10 years of the plan.
On Page 8 of the Horowhenua Chronicle, 09 February 2024, Horowhenua Mayor Bernie Wanden talks about the upcoming Long-Term Plan Consultation and how we ratepayers are facing a possible 17.4% rates rise with a cut to services. The heading reads: Vital we hear from you over plan. Excerpts below: Council … after months of workshops and briefings, exploring different options, endorsing a draft Long-Term Plan budget that proposes an average increase in rates of 17.
The November 2021 Petition on vehicle and horse access to Waikawa Beach sparked a lengthy investigation into Waikawa Beach vehicle access options that ended in 2023. I asked how much that investigation cost and have today received a reply: Thank you for email of 5 January 2024 requesting under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA), information relating to the total cost to Horowhenua District Council in respect to beach access at Waikawa Beach.
Notice of helicopter use for visual aerial survey of transmission lines in your area. Transpower, the owner and operator of the National Grid, is undertaking a visual aerial survey of its transmission lines throughout the Whanganui, Manawat, Tararua, Horowhenua and Kapiti Coast regions as highlighted on the accompanying map. This work will involve a helicopter flying at low levels (around 1000ft/300 metres) above the the transmission lines. The work is planned to occur between Thursday 8 and Friday 9 February 2024.
Dabchick on the lake. Published on 25 January 2024: Waikawa Newsletter January 2024. The monthly newsletter is based on posts I’ve written during the month, with added sprinkles. If you’d like to automatically receive posts by email as they are published subscribe. If you know of Waikawa Beach things that would interest others or if you have comments on this newsletter or the websites please let me know at kiaora@waikawanews.
News today from Horowhenua District Council — Pizza boxes and meat trays set to be accepted in kerbside recycling: … pizza boxes and plastic meat trays which are not currently accepted, can be included in household kerbside recycling from Thursday 1 February 2024. Pizza boxes must be clean and have no grease or food waste on them and meat trays must be rinsed clean, with the plastic wrap removed. … Only these things can be recycled from home: Plastic bottles, trays and containers numbered 1, 2 and 5 only Food and drink tins and cans Paper and cardboard Glass bottles and jars What should I do with my lids?