Another Horowhenua District Council LGOIMA Response. LGOIMA stands for Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act.
In November 2023, in Reference Number: 2023/1017 someone asked about the footbridge at Waikawa Beach, with regard to schedules for replacement within the next three years.
The document published online had some lines cut off, but I asked for the full version and received this information:
Waikawa Beach Pedestrian Bridge
Requested information : Response
Location : End of Waikawa Beach Road at Waikawa Beach
Material bridge is made out of : Combination of timber and steeel
Value of asset : Booking value as of 8 November 2023 is $92,205.92
Cost of build : $78,000
Cost of replacement : Council processed no information on the total cost to replace this bridge
Year of build : 1990
Design life : Council holds no information on the design life
Expected rebuild/replacemet date : Currently scheduled for replacement between 2024–2026
Bridge size : 3 spans bridge with each span of 18.1m length and 1,350mm width (decking)
Who built the bridge (i.e. the civil contractor) and/or if different : New Zealand Defence Force
Cost of replacement (broken down by earthworks vs structure costs if known) : Council holds no information on the total cost of replacement
Can we get this broken down by: Service bridge vs non service (i.e. service, pedestrian, cycle etc); Bridge type (boardwalk, clip on, suspension bridge plus any other types you have) : Pedestrian bridge
The thing I find most interesting / surprising about the above info is that apparently the bridge was built by the NZ Defence Force!
BTW: the 1990 bridge replaced one that was upstream a bit and was used from 1931 to about 1990. That was quite the upgrade!