News today from Horowhenua District Council — Pizza boxes and meat trays set to be accepted in kerbside recycling:
… pizza boxes and plastic meat trays which are not currently accepted, can be included in household kerbside recycling from Thursday 1 February 2024.
Pizza boxes must be clean and have no grease or food waste on them and meat trays must be rinsed clean, with the plastic wrap removed. …
Only these things can be recycled from home:
- Plastic bottles, trays and containers numbered 1, 2 and 5 only
- Food and drink tins and cans
- Paper and cardboard
- Glass bottles and jars
What should I do with my lids?
Please keep them out of your household recycling.
Lids are too small to be separated by machinery at recycling plants. Sorting machinery can also mistake flat lids, such as ice cream lids, for paper, so they contaminate paper recycling.
Tin lids that are attached can be folded into the can, or place removed lids inside the can and squeeze the can shut securely.
Note: the next recycling day at Waikawa Beach is Monday 29 January 2024.