HDC Waikawa Beach Vehicle Access | Let's Kōrero Horowhenua closes at 4pm 20 February 2024.
This matter is of intense interest to those ratepayers at Waikawa Beach so please have your say. Note that pedestrian access to the beach will continue whatever Councillors decide.
Horowhenua District Council is seeking your feedback on three proposed options for vehicle access at Waikawa Beach.
Please provide your feedback by 4pm on Tuesday, 20 February 2024.

Use the current access located at the end of Manga Pirau Street. Establish a lease agreement between Council and the landowners, and provision of maintenance without application for river training.OPTION 2:
Use the current access located at the end of Manga Pirau Street. Establish a lease agreement between Council and the landowners, and provision of maintenance with application for river training.OPTION 3:
Council will not facilitate vehicle access to Waikawa Beach. However, it will continue to support pedestrian access through established pathways on publicly owned land.
You can simply choose one of the Options and be done or, it would be helpful for Councillors to understand the reasons for your choice.
If you send a hard copy submission you can attach an extra sheet with your comments. If you complete the online form there is space for comments.

It’s no secret that the Waikawa Beach community is polarised on this issue, with a roughly even split between those who want vehicles to access the beach here and those who don’t.
It’s also no secret that we’re facing a 17% rates increase and that HDC are struggling to keep the increase down to that level. Opting for vehicle access may mean that Waikawa Beach ratepayers will face a targeted rate to support the initial work and the ongoing maintenance that will be required after every washout.
It’s important to consider where our rates money is going, what it’s being used for and who is making sacrifices to ensure that Rates spending is going where it is most needed.