Waikawa News has come to an end

Screenshot of Waikawa News home page.

Waikawa News has come to an end —

I’ve decided to quit updating the Waikawa News website and to stop publishing the newsletter.

When I set up Waikawa News more than two years ago in February / March 2022 it was partly because I’d realised that most things I’ve done in my life have been based on sharing accurate factual information with others.

I had also just left a 5-year tenure on the Waikawa Beach Ratepayers Association, during which time I published regular blog posts and newsletters on their behalf — well over 700 of them.

I also had an enthusiasm for Waikawa Beach and loved finding and sharing information that could be of use or interest.

Now, after more than 600 Waikawa News blog posts I’ve realised it’s become harder for me to find the energy for it. Along with other changes in my life I’ve decided to focus my energies on other things.

I’d like to thank those who have freely given me supportive feedback — it has helped sustain me!

The website will stay in place for some time. I’ll be rearranging some things though to try to make it easier to find information from the archive.

Thank you to all my readers for taking the time to read my work.

See an Archive of the monthly Waikawa Newsletter.

Waikawa News @WaikawaNews