As we enter March 2024 Horowhenua District Council is about to release its consultation document on the Long-Term Plan. We already know there is a potential average rates increase of around 17% to come. We need to read the document and send our feedback so Councillors can make informed decisions.
I was surprised recently to see the following statement in reference to Waikawa Beach: "the community receives few council services or council attention for their rates when compared to other parts of the region".
I've heard people say that "Council do nothing for us".
So what do HDC do for us? Here's a quick brainstorm:
- our local streets and roads
- stormwater drains
- some roadside mowing and mowing Hank Edwards Reserve
- streetlights
- the footbridge and its maintenance
- the toilet block and its maintenance, repairs and cleaning
- the rubbish bins and keeping them emptied
- kerbside rubbish collection
- kerbside recycling and the summer recycling station
- dealing with reported fly-tipping
- removing dead animals and drowned cars from the beach
- dog and other animal control
- roads in other places, such as Levin where perhaps we go shopping or to see the dentist
- the Library
- the swimming pool
- the Manakau Community Hall
- the sports field at Manakau and other parks and reserves
- policies, bylaws and consents
- emergency planning and response (eg floods)
- signage
- pedestrian tracks to the beach
- community grants and funding that help community groups do their work
That's about 20 things just without even thinking hard. I'm sure there are more. Of course, some places receive water and sewage services, and pay for them, and suffer the inevitable restrictions.
HDC, like most Councils and most people, is facing problems with its budget. Some services like recycling, funds for community groups, mowing may need to be severely reduced.
Watch out for the Consultation document and provide your feedback.
And even though HDC are trying hard to cut costs we can still ask for things that would benefit this community.
Some locals have highlighted the difficulties people with mobility issues face in getting onto the beach for example. We could ask for a first-class pedestrian access so people can be more self reliant. The three current pedestrian access tracks all require a fairly high degree of mobility.
A first-class pedestrian track could also allow folks with electric mobility vehicles to get onto the beach.
Perhaps there are other facilities you believe HDC should provide too?
You can read a draft version of the Consultation Document, linked from the 06 March 2024 Council Meeting Agenda item.