HDC Long-term Plan consultation closes at 5pm on Monday 15 April 2024. See HDC Long-term Plan consultation closes 15 April 2024 for details.
See below for the Horizons Regional Council Long-term Plan consultation which closes at 5pm on 22 April 2024. See also In March 2024 we need to ask for cleaner river water.
Horowhenua District Councillors are trying to make very hard decisions to keep our rates increase down to around 17%. They really need your input.
There is one topic of particular interest to those of us at Waikawa Beach, and that’s Waste Management. The LTP mentions the possibility of using mobile recycling stations instead of collecting recycling from the kerb. It mentions the part-time station situated at Waikawa Beach over summer.
We know that the summer recycling station causes grief to nearby residents who suffer from the noise and increased traffic. It would be intolerable if a station were situated there all year round. I suggested: A station could be located at the Reserve on the north side of the road near the intersection with SH1. Waikawa Beach locals could drop off recycling there on their way past.
Please let HDC know your thoughts on that and the other matters in the Consultation documents. Visit Long Term Plan 2024–2044 to provide your feedback.

Horizons Regional Council
The HRC 2024–34 Long-term Plan consultation includes statements on freshwater and pest control. I wrote the following as part of my submission:
The E. Coli levels at the footbridge at Waikawa Beach are consistently bad. The LAWA graph for the last 5 years shows that the water quality was Caution Advised or Unsuitable for Swimming a massive 60% of the time. Horizons Regional Council really need to take action on this. I hope the integrated catchment management will allow HRC to finally make a difference.
Please also fund and help with animal pest management in particular around the Waikawa Beach Estuary. More than 20 species of birds, several highly endangered, rely on the estuary for feeding. We need to protect these birds from stoats, feral cats and other animal pests.
Make your own comments via the Puka tono | Submission form | 2024–34 Long-term Plan consultation | Have Your Say.