Waikawa News asked Horowhenua District Council for the costs associated with the newly installed bollards and fencing at 3 locations: 10 and 60 Reay Mackay Grove, the beach end of Manga Pirau Street.
They replied:
Reference Number: 2024/1106
13 June 2024
Tēnā koe
Thank you for email of 24 May 2024 requesting under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA), information relating to the cost of fencing at Waikawa Beach. Please see outlined below a response to each part of your request.
a] extra bollards at the pedestrian walkway at 10 Reay Mackay Grove b] bollards and fencing at the pedestrian walkway at 60 Reay Mackay Grove c] a fence across the beach end of Manga Pirau Street.
Please see the table below for the cost of the fencing at each of these locations. Note these are GST exclusive.
Did the work require any sort of consent?
A resource consent was not required as the works were to protect the dunes, which is permitted under Horizons' Oneplan.
The invoices provided by the contractor amalgamated the materials and labour, therefore we cannot give these broken down as requested. However, we are able to break them down as below.
Location Fence installation and material Bollards (purchased by Council) Bollard installation Transport Total Cost 10 Reay Mackay Grove $654.28 $839.67 $1,493.95 60 Reay Mackay Grove $5,615.00 $237.92 $305.33 $350.00 $6,508.92 End of Manga Pirau $6,075.00 $350.00 $6,425.00
Read the letter: LGOIMA - Response Letter - Cost of fencing at Waikawa Beach. 662 KB PDF.
See also the Horowhenua District Council LGOIMA Responses page which should be updated in due course. LGOIMA stands for Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act.