Hard to believe it's been 3 years since the launch of Awa Pukapuka, the Little Free Library at the corner of Waikawa Beach Road and Drake Street.
Anja Geelen and Theo van Schoonhoven created the library from an old Optimist boat they spotted and bought back before the Covid-19 shutdown of 2020. A lot of hard work went into repairing the shell of the boat and building in the shelves and cupboards.
Whenever I go past I see that something new has been added to the top sharing
shelf, or there’s a box of fruit free for the taking, or someone is browsing the shelves or adding books.
Anyone I talk to about Awa Pukapuka is full of praise and enthusiasm.
A recent visitor whose partner was preoccupied with taking photos of the White Heron was thrilled to learn she could take a book to read while she waited, and even take it home to finish.
Thanks again to Anja and Theo for this wonderful contribution to Waikawa Beach life.