The November 2021 Petition on vehicle and horse access to Waikawa Beach sparked a lengthy investigation into Waikawa Beach vehicle access options that ended in 2023. I asked how much that investigation cost and have today received a reply:
Thank you for email of 5 January 2024 requesting under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA), information relating to the total cost to Horowhenua District Council in respect to beach access at Waikawa Beach. Please see outlined below a response to each part of your request.
Q: "What was the total cost to the Horowhenua District Council of the investigation into all options in respect of beach access at Waikawa Beach? This would include the Boffa Miskell consultation to 11 October 2023."
A: The total cost to the Horowhenua District Council (the Council) of the investigation into all options in respect of beach access at Waikawa Beach, including the work under taken by Boffa Miskell is $122,792.72.
A: The total cost of Boffa Miskell over the 2022/23 and the 2023/24 financial years was $98,888.72
Q: "Is Boffa Miskell still doing any further work on this particular matter?"
A: No, Boffa Miskell is not currently engaged to undertake any further work for the Council in relation to this project.