Both the 111-operator and police officers confirmed it was important to call in when these events occur.
The beach access for vehicles across private land at the end of Manga Pirau Street is currently closed because erosion carved away the 'ramp' back in October 2023. See also Miratana Track update, 06 October 2023 — no thoroughfare.
Back in November 2021 a group petitioned Horowhenua District Council to put an access through Reay Mackay Grove. Because that petition led to investigation and consultation, the HDC have advised they will take no action to reopen the access until the consultation process is complete.
This overloaded vehicle with no visible plates appeared on the beach on Boxing Day. It may have arrived from a local property.
That means that for some months now the only vehicles able to get onto Waikawa Beach have come from elsewhere. Things have been very quiet.
I heard many people being very dismayed, feeling they had to take their children away from the beach
Then on or around 27 December 2023 (full moon) the peace and quiet was shattered with hoons using our beach as a drag strip in the middle of the night (as one local told me).
Other locals gave me more info. I won't name anyone as at least one said: please don't mention my name - I have had a couple of bad experiences already with bikies here…
Alas, the reason for sending you this message is the turmoil at the beach yesterday afternoon and last night. I counted at least 6 cars and 2 dirt bikes racing on the beach, making donuts and wheelies in the low dunes close to the fenced off planted site and a large fire.
I heard many people being very dismayed, feeling they had to take their children away from the beach and noise was, for Waikawa standards, extreme with lots of revving.
When the fire got high and noise intensified, I decided to call 111, reluctantly, but operator assured me it was the right thing to do and took it all very seriously. Police car arrived 1 hour after, unfortunately, when most of the noise had died down, but fire still going.
I had a good chat with the officers and a few others joined in. They had a 'talking to', but within 10 minutes after they left, racing started again and fire went up.
I attach some pictures from this morning.
Both the 111-operator and police officers confirmed it was important to call in when these events occur.
Emailed: 28 December 2023.
Another local said: When we went for a swim, earlier in the afternoon, all we could hear was the engine of a vehicle, 3 or 4 km south screaming up and down the beach … they seem to have migrated north from Waiorongomai stream to Waikawa.
On 29 December 2023 tire tracks from a heavy vehicle ran right through the Pied Stilt nesting area. Beach access is not allowed in that area.