HDC has opened consultation on access for vehicles to Waikawa Beach, with a mass of information available at: Waikawa Beach Vehicle Access | Let's Kōrero Horowhenua:
Horowhenua District Council is seeking your feedback on three proposed options for vehicle access at Waikawa Beach.
Please provide your feedback by 4pm on Tuesday, 20 February 2024.
I’ll update this post with further information from that post later today. There’s a great deal of info available, I suggest you take the time to read through all of it.
One key data point: the indicative cost for the option of current access with river training is $1.4 million.

Use the current access located at the end of Manga Pirau Street. Establish a lease agreement between Council and the landowners, and provision of maintenance without application for river training.OPTION 2:
Use the current access located at the end of Manga Pirau Street. Establish a lease agreement between Council and the landowners, and provision of maintenance with application for river training.OPTION 3:
Council will not facilitate vehicle access to Waikawa Beach. However, it will continue to support pedestrian access through established pathways on publicly owned land.
This post will be updated with further material from the page linked above.