Over the holiday period a group of people ignored the HDC's calls to allow the consultation process to continue unimpeded and to stop trying to create new vehicle tracks to the beach. A track was mowed through an empty property next to #60 Reay Mackay Grove and people on quads, in utes and on motorbikes were using that track to then enter the pedestrian-only walkway and then create a new track through the dunes onto the beach.
See Destruction on the south beach track off Reay Mackay Grove.
After numerous reports from witnesses to Police and to Horowhenua District Council new signs were put in place in mid-January 2024:
Pedestrian Access Only
Strictly No Motorised Vehicles Allowed
Protect and Enjoy
Thank you for your co-operation
Horowhenua District Council

The very next day a local reported another couple of quads using that track to the Police.
In the Horowhenua Neighbourhood Support Newsletter 19th January 2024 edition the Crime Report showed there had been a report of a car or person acting suspiciously in that area on 13 January 2024.