Posted on 02 January 2024 by Horowhenua District Council on the ππ Waikawa Beach Community page ππ | Facebook:
We are pretty disappointed to be posting this, but it has come to our attention that an unauthorised track has been created via a private property on Reay Mackay Grove into Council reserve onto the beach. We have reports of both quad bikes and vehicle utilising this track. Many residents have contacted both Council and Police with concerns. This track is unauthorised and has not obtained resource consent. Horowhenua District Council will be working with Horizons Regional Council to investigate how the track was created, and respectfully requests all residents cease immediate use of the unauthorised track.
We know that many residents are frustrated about the current situation which means there is no safe and authorised vechile beach access - your way to have your say is via this link.
Over recent days witnesses have observed that a track has been cut through a property adjacent to #60 Reay Mackay Grove (the south track to the beach off Reay Mackay Grove). They have also taken photos and videos of vehicles travelling along the track damaging the vegetation. One report was that a group of people had to jump out of the way of vehicles illegally using the pedestrian track.
The vehicles have gone on to create a new track down the dune to the beach.
I have been told by numerous people that they have filed reports with the Police, including evidence of who the perpetrators are.

These folks have even gone to the lengths of sawing off one or two of the HDC installed fence posts that were in their way.

This activity damages the environment, is dangerous for pedestrians, breaks the law (no vehicles permitted on that track, creating a track through private property). It also harms the cause of those who have abided by the HDC’s request to allow the consultation process to continue unimpeded. It’s clear that many people who previously were considering supporting the option to retain beach access for vehicles will now be choosing instead Option 3: Council will not facilitate vehicle access to Waikawa Beach
It’s clear that there are some folks who know no boundaries and have no respect for people, property or environment.