At their meeting on 30 August 2023 the Horowhenua District Council will discuss the potential changes to speeds around Waikawa Beach. See Give your opinion on Waikawa Beach speed limits by 21 August 2023 for details on the proposals.
Read Horowhenua District Council Open Agenda 30 August 2023 (7 MB PDF) or at the Horowhenua District Council site. See Pages 13 and following.
Read Horowhenua District Council Speed Limit Submissions 30 August 2023 (22 MB PDF) or at the Horowhenua District Council site.
The Council has been presented with 3 options: A and B (No speed limit change for Waikawa Beach) and C (Permanent 30km/h speed limit for Waikawa).
The Submissions document has 271 pages. After skimming through, it seems maybe half a dozen to a dozen locals made submissions on the potential changes for Waikawa Beach. Opinions were varied — for and against.
There was also a contingent from the stretch of Waikawa Beach Road near SH1 asking for a reduced speed limit between SH1 and Takapu Road.