In the letterbox today was a letter from Horowhenua District Council inviting opinions on their proposal to reduce speed limits around Waikawa Beach. See also 30 Kph speed limit on most Waikawa Beach roads? from 15 July 2023.
The crucial part of the letter says (my emphasis):
Please tell us what you think before 5pm Monday 21 August 2023.
We are planning a Facebook Live event to answer your questions directly. Keep an eye on our social media pages for more detail.
For more information, or to give us feedback, visit letskorero.horowhenua.govt.nz/speed-management-plan, or scan the QR code.
Or you can email landtransport@horowhenua. govt.nz, call 06 366 0999, or write to us at 126 Oxford Street, Levin 5510.
A scan of the text reads:
28 July 2023
To the homeowner/resident,
Safer speeds in our neighbourhoods - Speed Management Plan
All councils in Aotearoa are legally required to review speed limits around schools and to consult on a Speed Management Plan to set safe and appropriate speed limits in the district/town as mandated by Waka Kotahi.
As part of this mandated process, Horowhenua District Council is reviewing the speed limits around schools in Horowhenua. We propose changing the speed limits around schools and want to hear what you think about our proposal.
We're also proposing to reduce speed limits in Manakau and Waikawa Beach. This is because the roads in these areas have some of the following characteristics:
- They are characterised as local streets that provide quiet and safe residential access for people of all ages and abilities;
- There are no or few footpaths;
- People walk, cycle, or ride horses on the road or roadside; and
- Some of the roads are very narrow.
In addition, members of your community have previously asked for speed limits to be reduced. Therefore we are proposing the following changes as shown on the maps at the back of this letter.
We want to hear from you if you think we've got it right, if there are any changes you think we should make, and let us know what areas or roads you like us to look at making safer next.
You can read more about our proposed changes on our Let's Korero online engagement platform.
You can also view the maps of the proposed changes for all schools in the district. The online maps will also show where the proposed speed limit reductions will apply.

Further information on all issues and topics is in the Draft Speed Management Plan 2024-2034. Also uploaded here: HDC Draft Speed Management Plan v5 (1.6 MB PDF).