World Oceans Day

Hermit crab in large shell.
Hermit crab in large shell.

World Ocean Day (today) seems like a good time to catch up with recent happenings along the coast.

A few days ago there was a big wash of seaweed along the high tide line. Big clumps every metre or so all along the shore, some kelp, some more 'leafy'.

Clumps of seaweed.
Clumps of seaweed.
Close up on some seaweed.
Close up on some seaweed.
A big clump of kelp.
A big clump of kelp.

A few days later a big carpet of driftwood 'mulch' appeared just south of the river mouth. In it were a lot of white 5-armed starfish and even a live hermit crab in a big shell.

Driftwood like mulch.
Driftwood like mulch.
5-armed starfish.
5-armed starfish.

When I touched the shell the hermit crab was in it promptly withdrew.

Hermit crab withdraws into its shell.
Hermit crab withdraws into its shell.

One morning I noticed that the blue track marker at the beach end of the north track off Reay Mackay Grove is now well hidden behind a small dune. Soon the word Access at the bottom may be swallowed up.

03 June 2024 beach access post is half buried.
03 June 2024 beach access post is half buried.

I dug out a photo from when the post was installed. You can see how much the sand has built up since then.

15 July 2020 beach access post.
15 July 2020 beach access post.

Today a large fishing boat was motoring past from north to south.

Industrial fishing boat offshore.
Industrial fishing boat offshore.

Our seemingly resident pair of Caspian Terns are hanging out not far from the river. When I zoom in I think I can see both have silver-coloured bands on both legs.

Caspian terns in shallow water.
Caspian terns in shallow water.

This Karoro | Black-backed gull was comfy on one of the many big clumps of river weed that have washed down lately.

Black-backed gull sitting in a clump of river weed.
Black-backed gull sitting in a clump of river weed.

This group of three Tōrea pango | Variable Oystercatchers are in the area where some of last year's chicks hatched. This must be a couple of adults and their chick — notice the bird in the middle still has grey legs, not the pink of the adults.

Three Variable Oystercatchers.
Three Variable Oystercatchers.

Most days there are Dotterels around. A Pohowera | Banded dotterel flew by, while a Black-fronted Dotterel went incognito in its mask.

Banded dotterel.
Banded dotterel.
Black-fronted dotterel.
Black-fronted dotterel.

The Poaka | Pied Stilts seem to be claiming more territory along the coast, but some still like to hang out in the lagoon out in front of 1 Reay Mackay Grove.

Pied Stilt wading in a lagoon.
Pied Stilt wading in a lagoon.

Thanks to a couple of residents from Sarah Street who alerted me to the special day when I passed them on my way to the beach.

World Ocean Day belongs to all groups and individuals, collectively, everywhere. It’s about how we can create a better future with an abundant ocean and a stable climate, by working together.

Waikawa News @WaikawaNews