Public meeting about security cameras, 19 May 2024

CCTV meeting screenshot.

From Facebook:

Security Camera(s) (CCTV Technology) for Waikawa Beach village

In furtherance of the discussion regarding the possible installation of CCTV technology at Waikawa Beach village we propose to hold a community meeting where we can discuss the need for, desire for and willingness to pay for the installation of security camera(s) in the village.

We propose a meeting this coming Sunday (19th May 2024) at the Manakau Hall at 1pm. All welcome.

We apologise for the relatively short notice but we have had a little difficulty securing use of the hall but it is now available.

A rough agenda would include:

  1. What is the perceived need;
  2. On what basis does that need arise;
  3. If there is an identified need what is the level of community support for the installation of CCTV technology;
  4. Will the installation of CCTV technology meet that need;
  5. Are there any alternative options;
  6. Where and how will any hardware be housed and where and how will data collected be stored;
  7. Who will have access to that data and for what purpose;
  8. How will privacy impacts be managed;
  9. How will the purchase, installation and ongoing maintenance of the equipment be funded.

We look forward to seeing as many members of the community as possible at the meeting.

Regards to all – WBRA Committee

Waikawa News @WaikawaNews