AED temporarily out of action, 01 March 2024

AED currently out of action.

Information on Facebook from WBRA at 7.20 pm on Friday 01 March 2024:

the AED is currently out of action. It was recently used and requires new batteries and pads. These will be obtained and the AED replaced into its box at the reserve ASAP.

In an emergency always call 111.

The AED is stored in a stainless steel box on the street facing wall of the public toilets at Hank Edwards Reserve. To unlock the box call 111 and give the address and Postcode 5573. You will be given a combination number. Full instructions play on the defibrillator.

Inside the weatherproof box is the defibrillator kit which is regularly checked and maintained.

The AED is provided by the Waikawa Beach Ratepayers Association as a service to the community.

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