Public consultation on the 3 beach access options for vehicles may begin soon.
See also Vehicle access, next steps and a small correction and HDC will consult public on options for Miratana Track vehicle access and no access.
The Agenda of Horowhenua District Council for the Wednesday, 22 November 2023 meeting has the usual update for the Council Actions Monitoring Report 2023, as at 10 November 2023.
One item is for the vehicle access to the beach that has been under investigation for a couple of years:
Reference: 21/502
Resolution/Action: That the Chief Executive provide a full report on all options in respect of vehicular beach access at Waikawa Beach.
Officer: A Nelson
Due date: 03/11/2023
Comment: Council at its meeting of 11 October 2023 agreed that officers further investigate three options arising from the report. The consultation documents are in development with the aim of public consultation commencing in early December.