Great turnout for planting 1600+ spinifex

A group of people plant Spinifex near the river.

On Sunday 12 November 2023 a couple of dozen people turned out, including some very welcome new faces, to plant 1600+ spinifex provided by Horowhenua District Council.

Did you know A single spinifex plant can trap 16 cubic metres of sand a year?

Some plants filled in gaps in a previously planted area south of the river near where the birds nest, while about half were planted between the groyne and the Miratana Track used by vehicles — an area that is severely eroded.

That planting built on the successful Experimental Spinifex planted between Miratana track and the Groyne in November 2022.

Many thanks to all those who turned out and to HDC and their workers who provided the plants and a fair bit of labour.

New plants near the groyne.
New plants near the groyne.
More new plants near the groyne.
More new plants near the groyne.
Ute and trailer with about half the plants.
Ute and trailer with about half the plants.
Drilling holes and planting.
Drilling holes and planting.
Another view of some of the plants near the vehicle entrance.
Another view of some of the plants near the vehicle entrance.

Unfortunately, that same afternoon, 2 random utes (not HDC vehicles) were photographed driving over the newly planted area near the groyne. Sigh.

Waikawa News @WaikawaNews