Coming up to summer is a wonderful time to see birds reappearing at the estuary. I couldn’t get them all in one shot, but this morning a couple of dozen Kuaka | Godwit were feeding at the river mouth.

Also in the estuary were various ducks, Kuruwhengi | Australasian shoveler, Paradise Shelducks, Pohowera | Banded dotterel, Poaka | Pied Stilt.

Over in the driftwood area next to the taped off spinifex plantings were several pairs of Tōrea pango | Variable Oystercatcher who are definitely nesting (eggs have been spotted) in their usual area, and a pair of Tūturiwhatu | New Zealand dotterel who may well be nesting there too.

I'm hoping it won't be too long before we see some Ngutupapa | Royal Spoonbill …
Bonus: Dotterel video from 06 November 2023 when the wind was shaking the camera.