Note: the plantings near the groyne in particular will help prevent erosion in that area, directly protecting the village and the track used for vehicle access.
Please join in on the additional spinifex planting on Sunday 12 November 2023, starting at 9.00. Meet on the beach by the north track off Reay Mackay Grove.
Craig Kidd from Horowhenua District Council will bring an unknown number of spinifex for us to plant. The aim is to:
plant out the drift wood and bird nesting area as well as bolstering the spinifex planting north of the vehicle entrance, up to the groyne which has taken reasonably well.
The 2 plantings to date have been a huge success this season.
A reminder to those planting in the driftwood area: it was exactly 12 months ago I took the photo above. There are birds currently claiming that area. Watch out for nests and eggs!