Update, 13 November 2023: I've asked for clarification on whether the Draft Bylaw allows freedom camping at Hank Edwards Reserve or not — the document itself is unclear. I'll post separately once I know the definitive answer.
On 16 November 2023 I had it confirmed that the Proposed Freedom Camping Bylaw would allow for camping at two spaces at Hank Edwards Reserve. See Freedom Camping proposal would allow for 2 parks at Hank Edwards Reserve.
Horowhenua District Council would like your feedback on a Proposed Freedom Camping Bylaw. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday 4 December 2023.
The proposed Bylaw identifies those areas where freedom camping is appropriate, and those areas which need protection for reasons that include environmental and cultural significance, risks to health and safety, and other practical considerations.
At Waikawa Beach Freedom Camping will be prohibited:
Prohibited Area - Waikawa Beach
Note: There is very little Council-owned land on the coast at Waikawa Beach – which restricted freedom camping options at this coastal settlement (other than Hank Edwards Reserve).