Early engagement for the Horowhenua District Council's Long Term Plan 2024-2044 (LTP) is now officially open … This is the community's opportunity to actively mould our district's future and influence Council's focus and budget for the next two decades before we draft the next Long Term Plan.
Now is your chance to help influence the LTP early in the process, before the Plan has been drafted. In this way, we can ensure the community's voice helps shape the LTP from the beginning and determine the key issues we ask you about during formal community consultation.
Whether you're a lifelong local, new to the area, a business owner, a passionate community member, or one of our rangatahi, we want to hear your thoughts and encourage everyone to take part. …
"The LTP is one of Council's key strategic documents. It's like our roadmap for the next two decades and will outline our focus for the future, mapping out the services and projects we will provide, how much they'll cost and how we plan to pay for them," Mayor Bernie ends.