Weather on the weekend of 07 and 08 October 2023 was a bit dicey which may have led to a lower turnout than usual. A huge thanks though to the 8 or 10 diligent locals and several Council workers who planted something like 4,000 plants (at $3 each) on the day.
I was out of town at the time, but can see a huge area (approx 12,000 square metres or 3+ acres) was covered and subsequently taped off. The northbound branch of the north track off Reay Mackay Grove has been extended by a good 50 metres.
I’ve gathered photos and text from Stephen Betts, a resident, and from Craig Kidd, Horowhenua District Council Parks and Property Officer | Āpiha Papa Rēhia, Rawa.
Above is a map I’ve finally been able to mark up. It shows where this year’s spinifex was planted and the area of driftwood where birds nest.
Note: lots of photos below. The page may be slow to load and use up to 5 MB of data.
Stephen Betts text and photos
As you know the Saturday planting was deferred due to a damp, cold morning. An hour later one of the council staff said that they were not available on Sunday, so decided to turn up anyway. In the end there were 3 council staff Craig, Geoff and Sam (I believe), Debra my myself planting for a few hours on Saturday morning.
We lined both sides of a new path to the north, around wood, marram and dunes.
On Saturday evening I organised an impromptu planting of 200 plants around the Reay Mackay Grove south track. 4 made short work of it.
On Sunday, Craig, Geoff returned, along with another from the council. There were 8 from Waikawa beach. We planted the bulk of the remaining 3000 or so plants.
We have filled in the area to the east, (towards Reay Mackay Grove), as well as some of the area to the west. We finished off with a 3-row strip about 50m long from the westerly track, following the drift wood line.
In the end about 4,200 spinifex were planted and a cost of about $3.00 each. The plantings seem to be getting much more expensive.

Craig Kidd text and photos
Spinifex planting at the weekend, was supported by local residents who volunteered their time.
The planting continues on from the success of previous years, which is recorded by the fencing erected each year to protect the areas. Signs are being made informing of birds nesting and to be erected.
Grateful thanks to [a private landowner] for giving us access through their property, due to the Waikawa Stream washing out access to the beach
A big shout out to the Waikawa Beach residents who supported this initiative.