Horowhenua District Council has drafted a Freedom Camping Bylaw, as can be seen at Agenda of Council - Wednesday, 11 October 2023. This draft will go out for public consultation.
This report is to provide a draft of the Freedom Camping Bylaw, and seek approval from Council to undertake a public consultation on this document, with the aim of reviewing all feedback provided in order to adopt this bylaw by 31 December 2023.
I'm not at all informed on this issue, but there is plenty of information in the Agenda linked above. Waikawa Beach is mentioned though as an area where Feedom Camping would be prohibited.
Schedule 1: Prohibited Areas
Council prohibits freedom camping in Prohibited Areas as set out in clause 6 of this Bylaw. a) Hokio Beach b) Kuku Beach c) Waikawa Beach d) Horseshoe Bend Reserve, Tokomaru
Schedule 1: Designated areas where freedom camping is prohibited
Council prohibits freedom camping in Prohibited Areas as set out in clause 6 of this Bylaw.

If you have an interest in Freedom Camping and the proposed Bylaw then you should read the linked Agenda item and participate in the consultation. Please also email kiaora@waikawanews.nz with your views and any useful information.