Miratana Track cut off by tides, 30 September 2023

Entrance with cones and a chain at the top, logs right by a drop-off to the river at the bottom.

Big tides and heavy swell the last few days have taken their toll on the beach track used by vehicles. It's now cut off and a chain has gone up across the entrance.

See Big tide and big swell on 29 September 2023.

Because the river has moved towards the entrance there's no access for vehicles. A few more big tides are expected too.

The driftwood bulwark is now on its way into the river.

The tides have undercut the driftwood that had been piled by the exit onto the sand and it's now partly unsupported. A couple of logs have found their way across the track.

Chain and caution sign across the entrance.
Chain and caution sign across the entrance. Photo by Stephen Betts.
The drop-off as seen from the bottom of the track.
The drop-off as seen from the bottom of the track. Photo by Stephen Betts.
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