Did you know a single spinifex plant can trap 16 cubic metres of sand a year? That sand helps protect the village and all the coastal houses, and gives us all more space for enjoying all the beach has to offer.
Which brings us to news from the Waikawa Environment Group:
The date confirmed with Horowhenua District Council for the Annual Spinifex Planting is Saturday 7 October 2023, from 9 am, meeting by the North track on Reay Mackay Grove. Craig Kidd from Horowhenua District Council will bring 3,500 spinifex plants for us to plant.
This is an important day in Waikawa Beach’s dune preservation each year and we need a good community turnout to make this day a success.
Please come and join in — bring family and friends. The more volunteers we have the faster it goes. (Back in September 2021 40 people managed to plant 4,000 plants in 1.5 hours! See 4,000 plants in 1.5 hours — thanks volunteers!) It’s usually all done within a couple of hours.
A couple of volunteers will drill holes and all we have to do is take the plants from the root trainers and tuck them in. 😀
Come along and make your mark on the beach!