A bud-galling wasp (Trichilogaster acaciaelongifoliae) introduced by Horizons Regional Council is showing promising signs … of being a viable control tool against the highly invasive pest plant Sydney golden wattle. …
Horizons environmental manager Craig Davey says a recent inspection found the wasps had created galls on Sydney golden wattle growing along our western coastline. …
The wasp lays its eggs on areas that would become flower buds, which instead produce growths — known as galls — and these prevent flowering and thus seed production. No flowers, no seed, no spread of Sydney golden wattle. …
Sydney golden wattle, a pest plant that grows well along our coasts, has significant impact on the environment. It suffocates other native species, preventing their growth and creating a mono-culture of Sydney golden wattle.
People are likely familiar with the plant, especially in places like Himatangi Beach where the infestation covers most of the dunes, although they may not realise it is a pest. …
Coastal communities …have experienced first-hand the devastating impact on dunes, with the wattle covering coastlines from Whanganui to Waikawa.
Source: Non-stinging wasp creating positive buzz in Horizons Region - Horizons Regional Council.
See also: The bud-galling wasp may be on its way here and Release of bud-galling wasp permitted.