The study about vehicle access to Waikawa Beach is slowly grinding along. In an update on 16 August 2023, Stephan Titze, HDC Parks and Property Project Lead | Kaihautū Kaupapa Papa Rēhia, Rawa, advised:
The project team has finalized the ecological and geomorphological report with focus on the proposed potential new vehicle access. We are still in communication with Iwi and the landowner of the current vehicle access to receive feedback, advise and evaluate further options.
All currently known options for a potential new vehicle access are presented to Horizons and DoC for an initial check on consent restrictions and the likelihood to receive such consent if such application will be filed. This may also include a potential new resource consent application for a river cut / training. At the same time the team is working on rough cost estimates for such developments.
The current identified options included their identified challenges / indicative cost estimates will be presented to the council during the
23rd Augustwork shop for their information.Update: Please be informed that unfortunately the presentation to the council has been pushed out to the workshop on 6th September. Proposed time of presentation is currently around 4 pm.
Please note that this is a change to the previous suggested process as such presentation to the council has been initially scheduled after the wider public consultation. However, based on the current findings we would like to get the advice from the elected members prior to initiate the wider public consultation. Which may allow us to eliminate option which are considered by the council members as non-practical.
To be clear, at this stage all options are still on the table which will also include the option of no vehicle access at all.