Several small updates:
- Electra were trimming trees at the intersection of Walkers Lane and Waikawa Beach Road today.
- A couple of posts on Facebook in the last week have mentioned break ins or thefts. Remember to watch your own property as well as the properties around you. Report suspicious behaviour to the Police.
- 16 July 2023:
ALERT Be aware there has been a break in Cathryn street Friday the 14th around 9 o'clock.
- 18 July 2023:
Sometime in the last week, a 3 metre aluminium dinghy and trailer were stolen from our property in Manga Pirau St. They were chained behind a locked gate. The lock was broken and the chain cut. We are pretty gutted as the dinghy (named Sharky) was so loved by grandkids.
- Also, on 10 June 2023 a couple of people held up the Manakau Store. The police apprehended the offenders.
- 16 July 2023:
- The Horowhenua District Council at their meeting on 19 July 2023 adopted the resolution to potentially reduce speeds at Waikawa Beach. They also increased the consultation process by an additional week.
- The consultation about vehicle access to Waikawa Beach is ongoing. See below.

Today I emailed Stephan Titze, Parks and Property Project Lead | Kaihautū Kaupapa Papa Rēhia, Rawa asking for an update about vehicle access to Waikawa Beach. He replied:
At this stage council officers are still in the engagement process with Ngati Wehi Wehi and the land owner of the current beach access.
At the same time officers are in contact with Horizon to get feedback on the findings of the ecological and morphological survey as well as to clarify the requirement for potential resuming of river cuts.
We plan to present the current findings to the council in August before initiating the wider public consultation process.
Please note- this wider consultation process might not include all options which have already been identified as unrealistic (if so), due to the identified ecological impact or expected cost. However it will still include the option to have no vehicle access at all / no new vehicle access.