In March 2023 the post Toilet block cost per an LGOIMA request, cited the cost expected for the upgraded facilities block at Hank Edwards Reserve: $369,687 plus GST. At the time of the request work had not even begun.
I submitted a request for the figures for the now completed toilet block and on 03 July 2023 received this reply (LGOIMA Response - 2023/984):
The physical construction cost for the upgraded toilet block was $406,798, which is $52,170 more than initially considered.
Primarily, this was due to replacing and improving the stormwater management system, increased material costs, and delays brought on by Covid. The provision of tables and the barbeque was in line with the initial estimate, i.e. $15,059.
Additional costs were $90,814.18, which included the complete replacement of the power supply (didn’t meet code of compliance requirements), site establishment/reinstatement costs, landscaping, engineering and design costs, contract management costs, and rent of temporary toilet facilities for public use.
Ngā mihi
Steve McTaylor-Biggs
Executive Sponsor
If the block lasts as long as the last one — 50 to 60 years — that works out to about $8,000 to $10,000 per year.