I've received the following message about a new Environmental Sub-committee within the WBRA:
Are you interested in protecting the environment at Waikawa Beach?
We need your help for a few hours each month
I am a member of the WBRA committee, have owned a property in Waikawa Beach for more than ten years, and am a permanent resident. I have long been concerned about risks to our area and offered to chair a new Environmental Sub-committee within the WBRA. This is in response to growing recognition regarding the risks facing our physical environment.
Three initial areas of concern have been identified:
- Pest management, such as wild cats, rats, stoat and ferret populations. (Kezna is already working hard to manage feral cat populations, and this group could complement her efforts by targeting additional areas of concern).
- Dune protection to reduce erosion and beach rubbish collection.
- Ways to manage flood protection along the river where homes face potential risk from flooding.
Given wider community concerns about these issues, the decision has been made to open up this group to any interested persons. This would enable efforts to be co-ordinated and provide a basis to apply for funding support.
You might have ideas, useful contacts, muscles, expertise in plants, dunes, water, environment, long-term knowledge of Waikawa Beach, knowhow for getting funding — we need all kinds of skills, but the main thing is being interested in making a difference locally.
Please pass this on to others who you think might be interested.
Please email me (chris@chriswood.co.nz) if you would like to be included in this group and I will set up a meeting to discuss how best to proceed.
Thank you,
Chris Wood