Over recent weeks experts from Boffa Miskell have been talking to various individuals and groups about vehicle access to Waikawa Beach. They and HDC are exploring various options, including retaining the current access.
I asked Stephan Titze, Parks and Property Project Lead | Kaihautū Kaupapa Papa Rēhia, Rawa, for an update to share with the community and he replied on 17 May 2023:
Our experts from Boffa Miskell are working on the related ecological - and coast erosion report. In addition we have for today our first hui with Ngati Wehi Wehi scheduled.
The drone photos are already shared with the residents of Ray MacKay and I will check the possibility of making them available for other residents / interest groups too.
As soon as I have more detailed information on the next steps will inform you.
I am aware that further, wider public consultation is planned once the research work has established the possibilities.