We normally open dog registrations on 1 July each year, but in 2023 dog owners will be able to renew their dog registrations from 10am Thursday 6 July until Saturday 5 August 2023 before a 50% late fee penalty payment is applied.
This change is because:
we are consulting on Fees and Charges as part of the Annual Plan 2023/2024. We’re proposing an increase in dog registration fees to recover more of the cost of providing the dog control service from dog owners, rather than from rates.
For our Dog Control services, we are proposing to increase the level of fees that we receive so that they will pay for 80-90% of the cost of providing this service. This is because most of the benefit is ‘private’ and this makes it consistent with our policy.
Many fees will be increasing by about $12 but for dangerous dogs the increase is more like $35.