There was a distressing report in the last few days of a person walking their medium-sized dog on Waikawa Beach when a pack of 4 dogs attacked it leaving it badly injured. The owner says:
The attack was unprovoked, sustained, lasting about 10 minutes. The owner had no control whatsoever of his dogs, he did nothing to prevent the attack, nothing to help manage the attack…
I was out running and when I saw the dogs coming towards me while the owner was in his white vehicle driving next to them, I called my boy back. He came straight back to me. Two of the big dogs, one a white cross/Argentinian fighting dog, the other a dark brown lab/cross came straight at us and latched onto my boy.
From further descriptions in the report community members have identified the attacking dogs and their owner. Apparently these dogs are known to cause problems in the community.
The incident has been reported to Horowhenua District Council Animal Control, and plenty of people are understandably upset.
New Zealand Dog Safety have advice for those approached by aggressive dogs, though none of the advice seems very relevant for this particular situation.
We can only hope that the victim of the attack recovers fully and that the owner of the attacking dogs is held to account.
Meanwhile, if you see a pack of 4 dogs like those described above coming your way it may be wise to change course.
If there are any updates I’ll make them known.