Beverley Dowling recently posted some very useful info about trapping problem animals such as cats.
Beverley used to live at Waikawa Beach but is now Cat Education and Bylaw Compliance Officer in Whangarei. She advises:
To folks wanting to trap animals eg cats. Please
- Plan first
- Trap second
Before trapping please have a plan in place. Consider
- How will you ascertain cat is truly wild or a cat that's been lost for a while in survival mode? My Kiki is still lost from almost two years ago but is chipped with lost status activated. A loved pet in survival mode could be the one coming to you...how do you intend to get it scanned and what is plan if no chip?
- Vets will not kill a healthy adult cat as places them at risk of breaking law. They cannot perform life ending procedure without owner consent, prefer evidence of steps taken to find owner first and will scan first too, under sedation all at your cost. It's why both pound and spca have seven day holds so there is a chance of reunification. There are some mean folks who will trap a neighbours cat and turn up demanding it be killed..so you can see why vets have to protect themselves.
- Law applies to you re not to cause serious harm or death of an animal. Trapping must be monitored and follow legal guidelines and Pest control must be humane but you do have an obligation to find if has an owner
- What have you done to see if cat is actually owned? Have you been able and taken photo of cat ? If so share on media ..see if anyone recognises prior to trying to trap it.
- Spca will not accept cats for sole purpose of a euth either. They are very clear they are not 'pest control's
- You may have a plan in your head but talk to people who you intend to involve in your plan first so you know that you have their support or not with whatever you have been thinking you can do. Working in rescue I had many threats of harm to animals made to manipulate and force us to take a cat on that someone trapped without considering the what's next. This is not ok.
- Read the law as it relates to trapping Section 36 of Animal Welfare Act..yup there is law around it. There is also really good technique that can be employed for best success with minimum harm. Ethics of trapping include that we should not justify any inhumane treatment of animals (especially predators) on the basis that those animals cause pain and suffering to their prey. Happy to advise as trapping almost every day if my life....was doing it in rescue and now within my job role.
Plan first
Trap second