After some wrangling in 2016, I succeeded in getting the Council to give us rubbish bins at each entrance to the beach off Reay Mackay Grove. At the time, I asked for dog poop bag dispensers as well, but that was a step too far.
Eventually though, in May 2017, I asked again for the dispensers.
A lot more wrangling went on, but finally, in November 2017, we were granted one dispenser, installed on the rubbish bin at the south track.

Word is that these dispensers, called Poopods (link no longer works), cost around $800 each installed.
They’re very shiny and should resist the elements well.
Made in marine grade 316 stainless steel, it holds 1,000 bags and is suitable for high traffic areas. …
The Poopod dispenser is designed to be situated in Dog Parks and popular dog walking areas. …
These dispensers have the following features:
Robustness — made from stainless steel, the design of these units makes them very strong.
Longevity — fabricated 316 stainless steel, they have a long lifespan.
Location — particularly suited to harsh environments such as coastal areas.
Now let’s hope that those who take their dogs along that track put in the tiny effort to take a bag, pick up after their dog, and put the bag in the bin.
Update: December 2021: another dispenser was placed at the track at 10 Reay Mackay Grove.

This post first appeared on the now defunct Love Waikawa Beach blog on 17 November 2017.