Each year Horowhenua District Council consult on their Long-Term plan. Consultation for 2023 opens 27 March and runs until 1 May.
Note, it's been pointed out to me that this consultation is on the Long Term Plan Amendment, which is slightly different.
The Long Term Plan (LTP) sets out the services and projects the Council will provide to the Horowhenua community all the way out to 2041!
This year we propose making some changes to rates affordability, the future of the Levin Landfill and water projects through this LTP Amendment.
They set out 3 key issues:
- Issue 1: Shaping a fairer financial future: Should we change the way we share rates across our district?
- Issue 2: Future of the Levin Landfill: We need to decide what happens to the Levin Landfill and we'd like your help.
- Issue 3: Our key water infrastructure:
- Drinking water: Growth and climate change means we need to ensure a more resilient water supply.
- Wastewater: Levin and Foxton's wastewater treatment plants require significant upgrades.
- Stormwater: We need significant investment in our stormwater network district wide.
Visit the HDC Long Term Plan Consultation 2023 page for more information about the plan, the issues and the key dates.